driving ghg

ghg hello _ global warming

the world is getting hotter and hotter by the year. Toxic gases that we put in the atmosphere are creating a greenhouse effect, which is warming the planet.

the sun's light shines onto the surface, while the gases trap the heat that reflects back from the surface inside the Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiation energy. The warming climate will eventually make the Earth uninhabitable.

polluter stacks carbon emissions
global emergency

this is a global emergency. The toxic ghg is produced by humans burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal. We made the air so bad that it is trapping heat in the atmosphere causing global warming.

the Earth's troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) is filled with a combination of gases, which are normally just doing their thing. The problem is that we have overloaded the troposhere with noxious greenhouse gases from our coal-powered machines and gasoline engines.

global warming is the result of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. def. caused or produced by humans. We are wastefully leaking dangerously high levels of methane into the atmosphere.

carbon dioxide CO2 
methane CH4  
nitrous oxide N2O  
ozone O3  
and water vapor 

global levels of carbon dioxide CO2 passed 400ppm. 100ppm is a healthy level, and 300ppm is a hazardous concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We have exceeded all levels of global greenhouse gas emissions.

world's largest emitters of ghg
greenhouse gas

China's greenhouse gas emissions exceeded world: China 27%, US 11%, India 6.6%, EU 6.4%


annual greenhouse gas index NOAA climate.gov

are you driving an SUV to get a croissant?

sources of ghg: cars, energy

sources of ghg: burning fossil fuels 
27 cars, truck, ship, train, airplane; gas and diesel   
25 electricity production   
24 industry 
13 commercial, res heating 
11 ag food production, cows 

sources of ghg emissions EPA.gov

commercial air travel accounts for 3% of total U.S. ghg emissions. Concrete is 5%. Cement mfg contributes ghg both directly in production of carbon dioxide when calcium carbonate is thermally decomposed, producing lime and carbon dioxide, and also through the use of energy, particularly from the combustion of fossil fuels.

what is the greenhouse effect?

global warming is the result of the greenhouse effect which is the way in which heat is trapped close to the Earth's surface by greenhouse gases ghg in the atmosphere.

the sun's light passes through the atmosphere and heats the ground. The infrared rays radiate from the ground and cannot pass through the ghg layer and are reflected back to the Earth heating the atmosphere.

greenhouse effect

CO2 carbon dioxide, CH4 methane, N2O nitrous oxide, and O3 ozone, and water vapor.

some greenhouse gases occur naturally and enter the atmosphere as a result of both natural processes (such as decomposition of organic matter) and human activity (such as burning fossil fuels and agriculture). Greenhouse gases that occur both naturally and from human activities include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone (O3). Other greenhouse gases have essentially no natural sources, but are side products of industrial processes or manufactured for human purposes such as cleaning agents, refrigerants, and electrical insulators. These include the fluorinated gases: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs), bromofluorocarbons (halons), perfluorcarbons, PFCs, nitrogen trifluoride, NF3, and sulfur hexafluoride, SF6.

humans burning fossil fuels

fossil fuels: oil is extracted for gasoline so you can drive your SUV, fossil gas, a.k.a "natural gas" for your stovetops and dryers, and of course our all time favorite coal to burn to make electricity for the cities so you can leave your lights on all night.

greenhouse gases ghg are produced from fossils fuels; the extraction, processing, and industrial carbon emissions from oil, fossil gas and coal.

air too toxic to breathe

by burning coal to make electricity for the cities we are producing large amounts of carbon emissions making the air too toxic to breathe.

hyper climate

ghg is heating the Earth producing a hyper climate causing wildfires and floods, drought and sea level rise, hurricanes and heat waves.

numerous studies in recent years have linked bigger U.S. wildfires to global warming. Climate change has made California much drier. A drier California means plants are more flammable.

Paris 12 December 2015

the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement is to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (1.5° C) by reducing greenhouse gas. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. This is within reach if we treat this crisis as a crisis. Words that sound great, and action is required now.