

bocce is a target game on a court of hard composite sand. Bocce is played with two teams of 4 players, 2 players of each team on each end. 8 large balls, 4 red and 4 green, and one smaller target ball called a pallino.

bocce court

a regulation bocce court is 91 feet by 13 feet, with short wooden walls.

side walls

balls can hit the side walls at anytime. Side walls can be used for bank shots or rebound shots. A ball that hits the back wall is out of bounds and removed from play for that frame.


points are scored after all balls have been thrown. Winner is first to 11.


official bocce ball set regulation size 107mm, weight 920g, and a pallino 50mm. Set weighs 18lbs, ball 4.25in/2.03lb, and a pallino is 50mm/2in.

Balls: order online, Perfetta Club Pro ball set, made in Italy.

run a club as a democracy. unanimous voting. paper ballot, put it in a hat, or online checkbox.

you build consensus when referring to the process of working collaboratively to reach an agreement where everyone involved can support the decision, even if it is not their first choice; essentially, creating a shared understanding and commitment among a group.

collaborative effort: it involves actively listening to different perspectives and working to find a solution that addresses everyone's concerns.

the goal is to reach an agreement where most, if not all, stakeholders can support the decision.

communication: open and respectful communication is vital to effectively build consensus.

keyless entry door

Imagine. New sand for the courts and a keyless entry door lock on the shed. I'm a dreamer.

active members should have access to the shed. Let's consider a keyless entry door lock, with a keypad, and active members get the combo.

changes, sometimes they say change is hard, but this is easy. 
I'm calling to take the December dinner fee out of the member dues. 

By advocating for this initiative, individuals can join a movement to 
help the club lower dues and attract poor members.

Here it is: 
we pay member dues and we pay event fees, during the year.
the December dinner is an event, 
and it should be a separate event fee from the member dues. 
Only if you go to the December dinner would you be asked to pay for the dinner, right? 
It should be your choice.

just as a tournament is an event. 
When a tournament comes around 
you signup, pay a fee, and attend the event.  

the December dinner is also an event. 
When the dinner comes around, 
and if you want to go, then you signup, pay the fee, and attend the event. 

Can we do something simple and remove the December dinner event fee from the member dues. 
Thanks for listening.