carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas ghg.
ghg: electricity and heat production; the burning of coal, fgas, and oil for electricity and heat is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions.
ghg hello _
the world is getting hotter by the year. Increased levels of carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic def. caused or produced by humans emissions being released into the atmosphere is creating a greenhouse effect, causing global surface and ocean temperatures to rise at unprecedented speed.
the sun's light shines onto the surface, while the gases trap the heat that reflects back from the surface inside the Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiation energy. A warming climate will eventually make the Earth uninhabitable.
burning fossil gas produces CO2
gas stoves and ovens produce carbon monoxide CO. Carbon monoxide from your gas kitchen range is the common cause for elevated concentrations in the home.
as the gas burners operate they consume oxygen and emit carbon dioxide and water vapor. After a period of time, the oxygen level in the area begins to drop and the flames consume more carbon dioxide and begin generating large quantities of carbon monoxide.