US voting rights
American democracy is under attack. Republicans have launched an attack on voting by changing the rules of democracy with aggressive new restrictions on the right to vote. It suggests that Republicans do not believe that everyone is equal.
"The coordinated onslaught of voter suppression bills is not the norm." Stacey Adams in Georgia, May 2021
the many restrictive voter suppression bills tout the big lie of voter fraud. The Republicans are desperate to hold onto power and believe the only way to wield any power is to keep as many people as possible from voting.
the conspiracy of lies, deceit and fraud is a distraction. They want us to believe some $#!t to conceal their agenda of discrimination and hate. "Their hate and lack of integrity is as common as their greed and incompetence," she said of her Republican colleagues.
antidem /anti-democracy is authoritarianism /the enforcement of obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. What is the Republican platform? what do they stand for? Republican party has no stated policies. Erasing Obama is not a policy.
democracy is based on a shared reality. Antidem has a warped acceptance of conspiracy rather than reality. They shout "fake news" to discredit all other sources of news but their own. Seek the truth and get the facts from many sources rather than to isolate yourself in a silo of disinformation.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Voting Rights Act of 1965, considered the most important civil rights statute, overturned totalitarian apartheid in the South. The GOP effort to make voting harder is the opposite of the Voting Rights Act. They use voter suppression tactics, and single issue PACs that will make it easier for billionaires to donate to their party.
the recent Republican effort to restrict voting rights of Americans is against democracy.
the Selma to Montgomery marches were a series of three nonviolent protests in 1965 that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led the marches, which were a watershed moment in the American civil rights movement.