Putty is an SSH client, a terminal emulator, used to remotely log into another machine. use PuTTY on a Windows box to access a remote server.

an SSH client is a software program which uses the secure shell protocol, to connect to a remote computer. PuTTY is a way of using Linux on a shell account provided by your ISP. Sitting on a Windows box, you can remote into a server using PuTTY.

vim is a mode oriented editor, there are two modes in vi : command and insert. 
vi        open or make new file. 
vimtutor  start tutor, and :q! to exit tutor
cd www
put /users img/abc.jpg
config the PuTTY screen
  Set size of window: Columns 140 Rows 40
  Lines of scrollback 200

  Cursor appearance: (x) Block
  Font: Lucida Console, 13pt  Change...
  Adjust the window border: Gap: 1

  Remote character set: UTF-8
  (x) Use Unicode

  [x] Allow terminal to specify ANSI colours
  [x] Allow terminal to use xterm 256

  Indicate bolded text by changing [x] the color

Default Foreground 187 187 187 
//grey 80% black
Default Bold Foreground 255 255 255 
//royal blue

Default Background  51 51 51 
Default Bold Background 85 85 85

Cursor Text   0 0 0
Cursor Colour 255 128 0 

black 0 0 0
blackB 85 85 85

red 187 0 0
redB 255 85 85 

green 0 187 0
greenB 85 255 85

yellow 187 187 0 
yellowB 255 255 85

blue 150 150 187
blueB 85 85 255

magenta 187 0 187
magentaB 255 85 255

cyan 0 187 187
cyanB 85 255 255

white 187 187 187
whiteB 255 255 255