recycling is a way to save resources, and energy. Why are tomatoes on a cardboard tray and wrapped in plastic film?!
curbside bins
- the gray bin is trash
- the green is food organics; yard and food waste material, soiled paper, cardboard containers.
- the blue is plastic, glass and paper. EDCO accepts #1-7 plastics /see number in the "chasing arrows" symbol.
plastic film
plastic film is not accepted at city curbside recycling bins. Plastic film can only be recycled at dropoff locations. Dropoff locations for plastic film include Sprouts and Ralphs.
EDCO does not accept plastic film or bags. This material is excluded because it is a hazard to their machines during sorting.
Find a plastic film recycling location, enter zipcode:
Trader Joes provides thin green bags that are labelled as compostable, meaning they are intended to return to the earth safely. further research: according to local testing they were found to leave a residue?
plastic film recycling American Chemistry Society
City of Encinitas is trying to get to zero waste. I talked with Enc Public Works, Ashley Stratakil 760-633-2859, Tue Mar23, 2021.
EDCO disposal waste and recycling 760-436-4151. recycling education, 760-436-7986.