oil is bad, leave it in the ground. We must transition to renewable energy like solar and wind. Using renewable energy sources for power generation will improve our economy, environment, and energy security.
we must transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
oil from Russia

$20 billion from U.S. govt
Stop subsidizing profitable corporations with our tax dollars. Fossil fuel corporations receive $20b from the U.S. government every year.
Fossil fuel subsidies EESI.org
the U.S. is a net exporter of crude these days. China imports nearly 3/4 of the oil it consumes.

Slumping oil demand, Saudi Aramco profit 44.6% lower. Jan. 2021
Exxon Mobil lost $22b in 2020, it's worst performance in 4 decades. Oil industry has taken a hit from falling crude prices as the pandemic sapped global fuel demand.
oil spill

oil pipelines leak
pipelines leak and they are destroying the natural environment.
Line3 oil pipeline in MN
Enbridge is a Canadian energy transport firm.
the largest inland oil spill in U.S. history happened in 1991 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota; 1.7 million gallons of crude oil spilled from Line 3, the same pipeline that Enbridge is now replacing. In 2010, a Michigan community suffered a huge spill from another Enbridge pipeline.
DAPL Dakota Access pipeline is going under a fragile water source.
Keystone XL
Keystone XL pipeline is canceled.
no offshore, no Arctic drilling
we must end offshore drilling. The danger and chance of a spill is too great. And this idea of drilling for oil in the Arctic is just cray cray.
Court stands behind ban on offshore drilling in Arctic and Atlantic NRDC
When Trump was assaulting public lands and water by expanding offshore drilling, reversing Obama's policy of banning offshore drilling, the federal government concluded that if just one major lease sale in the Arctic Ocean were developed for oil and gas, there would be a 75% chance of a major oil spill in this sensitive region.
the harmful policy of offshore drilling must be stopped in order to save our oceans. Earthjustice
old oil tankers
Jan 2018 oil tanker crash of Iranian Sanchi off the coast of Shanghai, creates an ecological disaster in the East China Sea, polluting the ocean and carrying toxic oil hundreds of miles, condensate could reach Japan.
TC Energy (TransCanada) oil pipeline through the U.S.
a Canadian oil company transports the dirtiest oil on the planet, Bakken crude oil, through the U.S. to refineries where it is processed and sold by contract to China.
oil spill Keystone pipeline
Thursday Nov 16, 2017 - TransCanada Keystone 1 pipeline spilled 230,000 gallons in South Dakota. The oil contaminated the environment and affected the health of local communities.
Trump was reversing U.S. decisions against dirty oil pipelines. Pipeline Revival Reuters
Oct. 2015 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released new air protections decreasing the pollution oil refineries can emit and reducing the health risks faced by millions of Americans living in the shadows of oil refineries.
For the first time ever, national fenceline air monitors will be required - monitors that measure pollution where it leaves oil refinery property and pours into neighboring communities.
The monitors will measure the dangerous pollutant benzene, and if levels are too high, refineries will be required to take action to reduce their emissions. There will now be real information on how much pollution is drifting into neighborhoods, to force refineries to clean up their act.
built, then canceled

oil disasters
2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was the largest in history. The total discharge is estimated at 4.9 billion barrels.