the Dakota Access pipeline pumps some of the dirtiest oil on the planet. It endangers a critical water source and sacred land in North Dakota. #nodapl
under protest, a private company has built and is operating an oil pipeline that has ravaged our land and poses great danger to our water. It was built in 2017, and snakes across 4 US states and under the Missouri River, ending in an oil farm in Illinois that joins a busy underground hub. get a map of the Patoka oil terminal and pipeline hub in Marion County, Illinois.
President Biden can Shutdown DAPL Native News Online
Learn more: Dakota Access Pipeline
the Obama admin originally rejected permits for the project. In Feb 2017, Trump admin scrapped the review and granted permits, concluding that running the pipeline under the Missouri River posed no significant environmental issues. In 2020, more review was ordered. Now, Biden is being asked to shut it down.
the $3.8 billion, 1,172 mile pipeline crosses beneath the Missouri River, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation that straddles the North Dakota-South Dakota border. The tribe, which draws its water from the river, says it fears pollution. (1,886 kilometer)
Native American tribes make new bid to shut down Dakota Access Pipeline 20 Oct 2020
DAPL Dakota Access pipeline. DAPL
this is about a Canadian oil company sending oil across the United States for export to China. They have to build the oil transportation infrastructure for their investment to pay off.
Rick Perry is US Secty of Energy. Kelcy Warren is the oil billionaire co-founder and CEO of Energy Transfer Partners (ETP). They are the conglomerate whose security contractors have deployed pepper spray and snarling dogs against the Native Americans protesting its Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in North Dakota. He is laying another contested pipeline, the Trans-Pecos, near Big Bend National Park, hallowed ground to many Texans. He is spent millions of dollars supporting right-wing politicians. He gave $700,000 to Texas Governor Greg Abbott's political action committee and $6 million to PACs supporting former Governor Rick Perry's presidential campaign. He also put Perry on ETP's board.
Learn more and join the divestment movement to protect our water. defund DAPL
sign the petition to the banks to demand "Stop funding the pipelines" -Friends of the Earth sign the petition
call the banks to demand "Stop funding the pipelines" -Friends of the Earth call the bank
15 Jun 2017, DAPL Ruling update: DAPL Ruling
07 Feb 2017, the Army Corps of Engineers cancelled its planned Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and additional Tribal consultation, and granted the final easement needed to complete construction of the pipeline, citing the order issued by President Trump.
the stretch under Lake Oahe is the final chunk of work on a 1,825km pipeline that would carry North Dakota oil through the Dakotas and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois.
04 Dec 2016, the pipeline is halted. The Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit for the construction of a key section of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The decision essentially halted the construction on the 1,172-mile oil pipeline about half a mile south of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
call and ask about a fair and comprehensive EIS
I'm calling to oppose the dangerous Dakota Access pipeline.
We're asking Trump to do the right thing and get the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a fair and comprehensive environmental review into the several oil spills that have already happened.
We support the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and demand a shut down of the Dakota Access pipeline.
- call the White House comment line: 202-456-1111
- call Jack Dalrymple, Governor of North Dakota: 701-328-2200
- call the Army Corps of Engineers: 202-761-5903
- call DAPL comment line 202-761-8700
Regarding the rise of fake news, of a post-truth climate, and how you combat that, Noam Chomsky says, "You combat it by being an educator, by trying to educate and organize and bring people to understand that they should use their critical intelligence to evaluate what they read whether it's in the mainstream media or on some site that they are looking up."

water is the first medicine. Mni wiconi, water is life. Unci Maka, Mother Earth
"In Lakota, we call water mni wiconi. Water is life. We understand the impact we have when we do not treat the water as a resource for life."
Standing Rock Sioux have been engaged in peaceful resistance against the construction of the controversial Dakota Access pipeline, which will destroy sacred sites, and pose a huge ecological risk that extends to potentially poisoning their water supply.
Oceti Sakowin Camp is a unified encampment of Water Protectors dedicated to protecting our land and water against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Oceti Sakowin Camp (Och-et-eeshak-oh-win)
Law enforcement has chosen to attack the local protesters, on behalf of Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, the company constructing the Dakota Access pipeline.

On Oct 27, the Morton County sheriff deployed riot gear and armored military vehicles. The militarized police had rifles and used Taser guns, beanbag rounds and plastic bullets (to the body), pepper spray (an inflammatory agent to the eyes), tear gas cylinders (a high powered irritant; macing women down by the river), armored military vehicles; mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles, percussion grenades, sonic weapons (LRAD sound cannons send directed pain-inducing "deterrent" tones over long distances). DAPL mercenaries deployed attack dogs and turned them loose on the crowd.

On Nov 20, the water protectors were hosed down with a water canon pumping a mix of water and pepper spray onto people in subfreezing temperatures.

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
sign and support the protest. Habra una protesta, there will be a protest.
what it is
why are the "police" protecting the pipeline company and not protecting the rights of the peaceful protesters? This pipeline represents how a private oil corporation can maneuver the government to usurp the property rights of individual farmers, land owners and Native Americans.
North Dakota has received $3 million worth of military equipment from the federal government through the Defense Department's 1033 program "Weapons for Cops" surplus equipment program.
Support the Water Protectors
Sacred Stone Camp
noDAPL Solidarity
Stand with Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline
Pipeline company attacks Native American protestors
Tension between police and Standing Rock protesters New York Times
A Strategy to Stop the Funding Behind the Dakota Access Pipeline Bill McKibben
"It's our right to live unharmed" Aljazeera
How to support noDAPL protesters Paper Magazine
noDAPL map Huffington Post
How to help the Standing Rock Sioux fight the pipeline Pow wows
Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere.
note: the D.C. consensus, the establishment.
Noam Chomsky Who Owns the Earth?
pipeline explosion
and in other news; a pipeline explosion in Alabama on Mon 31 Oct, 2016.

Flames shoot into the sky from a gas line explosion in western Shelby County, Alabama. "The State of Emergency is effective November 1, 2016 through December 1, 2016 unless sooner terminated," according to a statement from the governor's office.